Reasons That Drones Are Becoming Increasingly More Popular in the Roofing Industry


One: More Accurate Estimates for Hard to Reach Roofs

From time to time in every roofer's life, there is going to be a roof they are uneasy about climbing on. No matter how many roofs you have been on there is always one bigger and steeper to trump it. Instead of guessing on what may be on certain parts of the roof may be hiding, roofers are able to get a bird's eye view of all parts of a roof. This takes away the guess work in an estimate. There are high-resolution drones that can create videos and pictures of the home for you and the home owner to see that may even be better quality than the phones or cameras the inspector may have used.

Two: Less Danger for Roofers

If you are on roof no matter how precautious you are, there is a chance you may get hurt. Even on low slope roofs there is a risk. This can be taken out with the use of a drone. For a roofer this is a huge benefit, and for the company decreases liability exponentially.

Three: Increases the Opportunity for Inspections

In bad weather it is not safe for a roofer to access the roof in many cases; this is also easily solved with a drone. A roofing company's busiest season may be in the spring. But as we all know, April brings showers. If a roof is wet and slick you may be forced to cancel appointments that had been scheduled. Some home owners do not understand the dangers of getting on a wet roof and may think of your cancelation as a lack of professionalism. However with drones once the weather has subsided, immediately following you can use it to inspect roof.

Four: Drones aren't just for fun, but they sure are fun.

Many roofing companies are starting to implement drones in their work force. Not only does it benefit them in all the areas previously mentioned, but they are also a ton of fun to use. It is also entertaining for the home owners to watch. Many of our clients are in awe watching a drone fly around their home. The roofing industry is most certainly not the only industry implementing this technology. Companies all around the world in different industries are finding more and more uses for them.